We currently have four state of the art CME-55 Rubber Tract Drill Rigs and two CME-75 Truck Rigs that can access the most varied ground conditions from parking lots to the most adverse terrain. The tract carriers have 18” to 30” wide tracts that can transport the drill through the most difficult site conditions and has the load bearing pressures of a man’s footprint. FSD, Inc also has Tracked Support Vehicles for supplying water and tooling to the drill crews in difficult project conditions. We are capable of a wide range of drilling and sampling methods, which include Hollow Stem Auger, sizes from 2 1/4” ID to 8 1/4” ID, Mud Rotary, PQ, HQ and NQ Double and Triple Tube Wire Line Rock Coring, SW, PW, HW and NW and HW Casing Advancers and Packer Testing Equipment. We also have the capability of excavating test pits with our own Cat Backhoe, and Track Excavator and Loader.